There are a lot of people nowadays who are engaging in freelancing career. Various online platforms are offering freelance jobs for freelancers. I have been a freelancer since 2013 - a freelance photographer. I remember the time that I only charged my service for $2, which was very very cheap. I did not know how to price the services I offer but as soon as I was able to connect with fellow freelancers - I was able to learn how to charge my clients at a reasonable price. I will share with you some tips that I also learned from my fellow freelancers.
Tip 1: Be Unique
What I learned when I was doing my freelance job is that the more unique I could be, the more customers will come to me. Maybe, I was just lucky but I noticed that in the modern era - being unique will attract a lot of customers.
Tip 2: Consider the gears or tools you have when you are pricing your service
I learned from my fellow freelance photographers that when I do the pricing of my photography service - I should consider my skills and the gears the I have. The more quality your services are, the more pricy it becomes.
Tip 3: Make a contract
I have been making contracts with my clients so that if anything goes wrong - the contract will be the back - up. There are clients who are too demanding and pay a very low price for your services unless you both do a contract signing, nothing could go wrong.
Tip 4: Be brave and creative
When I started with wedding photography, I was really nervous. I did not know how to manage everything - even in my mind. But always be prepared when you do services the first time. Learn from it and be brave to do it. You will not learn anything unless you try. Also, be creative in everything that you do - try something new.
Tip 5: Customer's satisfaction is the best, stick with your price
There are some freelancers who would lower their price so that they could acquire a lot of customers or clients. But this I tell you- the more satisfied your customers are, the more they go back to you or they could even recommend you to other potential clients. Customer's satisfaction will give you the best credit. Stick with your price and upgrade your skills so that you could offer quality services. The best quality equals more customer satisfaction.
If you happen to like my banner, you can email me at for business inquiries. I can make unique banners, cover photos, posters, etc.
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